To request an item through Interlibrary Loan, you must be identified as a member of the Gannon Community in the library's ILLiad system.
To do this, you fill out a
registration form.
Registration has three purposes:
Please be aware that only you know your password - we do not.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service provided for current Gannon University students, faculty, and staff by which materials, not owned by the library, are obtained from other libraries. There are no costs associated with placing an ILL request. The library covers the costs of select item requests and shipping costs to NLSLC. ILLiad is the system that manages your ILL requests. Using ILLiad you can track the status of your requests, check due dates, renew checked out materials, and view your ILL borrowing history.
Renewal of books must be done within your ILLiad account.
Renewals are subject to approval by the lending library, and you only get one renewal per book. You must request the renewal before the due date by following these steps:
1. Log into your ILLiad account
2. Choose CHECKED OUT ITEMS from the menu along the left side
3. Click on the TRANSACTION NUMBER of the book you want to renew
4. Click on RENEW REQUEST located in red at the top of the screen