Use this category if your item does not fit into any of the other item categories
If you cite multiple webpages from one website, you need to have a reference entry for each
If you generally mention a website in your text, you do not need a reference list entry; instead include the name of the website and URL in parentheses
Use "About" or Acknowledge" statement to identify author
Provide most specific date as possible
Include a "Retrieved" date only when page content regularly changes and page not archived.
Webpage on news website
Isidore, C. (2020, February 10). You can't make a car with 99% of the parts. Coronavirus could wreck the global auto industry. CNN
Webpage on website with group author
American Nurses Association. (n.d.). Violence, incivility, & bullying.
Webpage on website with individual author(s)
Gleeson, J. & Alcedo, M. (2017, June 14). The 20 best places to camp in national parks.
TED Talk
When the TED talk comes from the TED's website, use the name of the speaker as author
When using TED talk from YouTube, list the owner of the YouTube account as the author
When the speaker is not listed as the author, integrate speaker's name into document narrative
Pierson, R. F. (2013, May). Every kid needs a champion. [Video]. TED Conferences.
YouTube or other Streaming Video
The person or group who uploaded the video is credited as the author.
Note the contribution of others in the document narrative, if desired.
MIT Open CourseWare. (2019, December 20). How to speak by Patrick Wilson [Video]. YouTube
Report by government agency (or other organization)
United States Government Accountability Office. (2020) Drug development: FDA's priority review voucher programs. (GAO-20-251).
Report by individual author at government agency/other organization
Starbucks Corporation. (2018, July 30). Form 10K.​
Code of Ethics
American Physical Therapy Association.(2019). Code of ethics for physical therapists.
Valdes, K., Daniels, K., & Mihalic, K. (2018). A comparison of two workstation designed assessed using measures of musculoskeletal pain and discomfort: A qualitative approach [Poster presentation]. AOTA Annual Conference & Expo, Salt Lake City, UT, United States.