Q. How do I log into my Library Account? Answer: To Access Library Catalog Account: (for print materials) 1. Visit the library catalog main page 2. Using the menu items in box along the top - Click on My Account: Gannon Students/Faculty - Access your account using Gannon's Single Sign on tool. Community Patrons/Alumni - Enter Library ID# and PIN in the upper right corner **If you need assistance with your PIN, call the main service Desk 814-871-7557 To Access electronic content account: Users will login with the same tool as other Gannon resources (i.e. Blackboard and email) with full email address and password. |
Q. How do I check out books if I'm not a student or employee? Answer: Individuals who are not a Gannon student employee can visit the main service desk to register for a non-Gannon user card. Details can be found on the Non-Gannon Users tab of the Library Services page. |
Q. How many books can I take out at once? Answer: Gannon card holders - 25 books - Students - 30 days; Faculty - 90 days; Non-Gannon Card holders - 2 books/14 days Visit the Policies page of the library website to see full list of library checkout periods. |
Q. How can I place a hold on an item? Answer: Holds can be placed on most books and educational/documentary DVD's by logging into your account in the library catalog or contacting the staff a the main Service Desk, either in person or by phone at 814-871-7557. |
Q. How do fines build on my account? Answer: Fines accrue on items when they are not renewed or returned by the due date. |
Q. How many books can I take out at once? Answer: Visit the Library policies page to view the Loan Periods chart showing loan/borrowing privileges. |
Q. How do I pay fines on my account? Answer: Fines must be paid in person at the library's main service desk. |
Q. How do I know when the books I put on hold online are ready for pickup at the Nash Library? Answer: You will receive an email message notifying you that the items are at the library service desk awaiting pickup. |
Q. What happens when my renew limit is reached for a book I signed out? Answer: You'll have to return the book. As long as another patron hasn't place a "hold" on the item (meaning they're waiting for you to return it, so they can take it out) you may be able to check the book out again - however, we decide this case by case basis. |
Q. Can I pay my library fees with my GU gold or do I need cash? Answer: GU Gold may be used to pay late fees at the main library service desk located on the first floor. |
Q. What is "Login to Library Account"? Answer: The "Log In" option in the library's online catalog allows user to view list of items currently checked out on their account, renew items, and place holds. |
Q. What does the My Account do? Answer: The My Account option in the library's online catalog allows user to view list of items currently checked out on their account, renew items, and place holds. |
Q. How do I renew my books online? Answer: 1. Visit the library catalog main page, using the menu items in box along the top - Click on My Account and log in: 2. Click on Checkouts tab 3. Select item(s) to be renewed 4. Click Renew button |
Q. How do I log into my Library Account? Answer: To Access Library Catalog Account: (for print materials) 1. Visit the library catalog main page, using the menu items in box along the top - Click on My Account: Gannon Students/Faculty - Access your account using Gannon's Single Sign On tool. Community Patrons/Alumni - Enter Library ID# and PIN in the upper right corner **If you need assistance with your PIN, call the main service Desk 814-871-7557 2. Click on Log In or My Account |
Q. Are students allowed to check out all types of books? Answer: The library's Reference collection and books placed on reserve cannot be checked out. These items are for building use only. |
Q. Does it cost to rent/checkout movies? Answer: No, patrons are not charged for movie checkouts. |