Any element that does not exist for a source should be omitted.
The last element should be followed by a period.
Many sources on the Internet may not be appropriate for scholarly research. Be sure to check with your instructor for acceptable Internet resources. Remember to include all in-text citations in your Works Cited list.
It is a good practice have a record of electronic information used for your research. User can print/save screenshots of websites or create a bookmarked folder in your web browser.
Website/Internet sources can be difficult to cite because not all the information may be available to the user.
Individual Page on Website:
Author(s). Title of Article." Title of website, Date created/copyright, URL
Gleeson, Jill. "The 20 best places to camp in national parks." Country Living,
ACL Injury: Does it require surgery?-OrthoInfo-AAOS. Sep 2009.
A number of the following examples are taken from pages 328-29 of MLA Handbook, 9th edition. Please refer to the library copy on Reserve at the main service desk for additional citation examples.
General Format:
Author, First Name A. "Title of video." Source, Day Month Year Created/Posted, URL (minus http://). Accessed date.
Film & Video
Physical DVD
Opening Night. Directed by John Cassavetes, Face Distribution, 1977.
Foreign Language Film with Original Title Provided
Viewed through App
Uploaded to Sharing Site
Viewed as Television Broadcast
Viewed on a Website
Viewed Through an App
EBSCO Information Services. "Creating an advanced search - EBSCOhost Tutorial." YouTube, 19 August 2015,
Online Documentary/Video:
"Frontline: Supplements and Safety." PBS. Public Broadcasting Service, 2016,
TED Talk - TED Talks Website:
Speaker, First Name. Title of TED Talk. TED Talks, Day Month Year, Accessed Day Month Year.
Image of painting, sculpture or photograph:
Artist's last name, First name. Work of art. Date of Creation, Institution and city where work housed, Name of Website, URL (minus http://). Accessed date.
Blog Post:
Author/Compiler name. "Title of posting." Name of Website, Date item posted to website, URL (minus http://). Date of access.
From a Discussion List:
Author name. Comment on "Title of posting" thread. Name of Discussion List, Date & Time item posted, URL (minus https://).
On Social Media:
Author name [Screen name]. "Title of posting." Name of Media Source, Date item posted, URL (minus http://).
Gannon University Tweet [@GannonU]. "Gannon's newest residence hall will open Fall 2022 and we need your input." Twitter, 6 Oct. 2021,
Author, A. A. or Government Name. Government Agency, Title of document: Subtitle. URL (minus http://). Accessed date.
U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2016-17 edition. Accessed 14 Mar. 2017.