For full details on in-text citations, refer to the MLA Handbook available on Reserve at the library's main service desk.
Quotations always require the page number for the source
Short Quotes (fewer than 4 typed line of text) - placed in text of paper with quotation marks.
Long Quotes (more than 4 lines of text)
Standard format: (Author page number)
Inside parenthetical reference:
"Short quote from resource under 4 typed lines" (Author1 and Author2 p#)
In text of paper
Author1 and Author2 discuss "short quote under 4 typed lines." (p#)
When citing a work by 2 authors, list authors' last names in parenthetical citation.
(Hilltop and Phillips 32)
3 or more authors
(Sutherland, et al., 174)
Multiple works by same author
(Wagenfeld, "Title 1" p#)
(Wagenfeld, "Title 2" p#)
Many sources on the Internet may not be appropriate for scholarly research. Be sure to check with your instructor for acceptable Internet resources. Remember to include all in-text citations in your Works Cited list.
Here are some guidelines for electronic and Internet Sources:
Unknown Author
("ACL Injury, Does it")
(Webster's 9th new collegiate, 25)
Organization as author
According to the American Library Association (135), ....
(ALA 135)