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AMA Citation Style, 11th ed.

Check with your instructor for specific formatting for margins, title page, page numbers, font size, etc.

** DPT program students should refer to the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program Student
Handbook provided in Blackboard for specifications.

General Guidelines

  • References are listed numerically in the order they appear in text. 
  • Use the author(s) surname followed by initials without periods or spaces
  • Article titles - capitalize only the first letter of the first word, proper names and abbreviations normally capitalized
  • In-text Citations:
    • Use superscript Arabic numerals (example1)
      • Outside of periods (.) and commas (,)
      • Inside colons (:) and semicolons (;)
    • Separate multiple references with commas and hyphens
      • As reported previously, 1,3-8,19
      • the data derived were as follows3,4
    • Use the same reference number for all subsequent referals to same resource throughout.

A note about EBSCOhost cite tool

Students should be aware, the Cite tool EBSCOhost Cite tool image does not provide an accurate representation of the 11th edition AMA Manual of Style. Be sure to clear formatting and edit citation when pasted into your document.