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Library Instruction & Research Support

Library Session Options

The librarians of Nash Library are available to provide a variety of library instructional sessions, online or in-person synchronously or through asynchronous library learning objects. These sessions are designed to introduce students to the library's electronic and print resources in addition to research strategies to successfully complete specific course assignments.

al a Carte Library Instruction menu image page link

Course Sessions

  • Basic Introduction (50 minutes) - General library service overview covering the library website, catalog, library services, and the basics of database searching.
  • General Research (45-60 minutes) - intended for first/second year courses with a specific assignment covering the library website, catalog, library services, and database searching including common search strategies and practice time)
  • Advanced General Research (50 minutes+) - follows basic/general research session. Includes advanced search strategies with searching tips for catalog and databases using filters, Boolean logic, etc.
  • Library A La Carte (build your own instruction session) - work with our librarians to design a session to meet your student needs.