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Academic Integrity

Plagiarism   Plagiarism ACRL Glossary entry

Gannon defines Plagiarism as the "inclusion of someone else's words, ideas or data as one's own work. When a student submits work for credit that includes the words, ideas or data of others, the source of that information must be acknowledged through complete and accurate documentation."

Plagiarism infographic

Original Plagiarism Infographic created and shared via Creative Commons License by CSUN, Oviatt Library. See link below for original infographic.
This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit


What You Think It is versus. What It Really Is

False True

Plagiarism is Harmless?

Plagiarism can affect your academic standing (e.g. fail, expulsion) and harm those whose ideas you use without giving credit.

It’s not wrong if I do it accidentally?                                                                                                              

Gannon has clear rules about plagiarism and it’s your responsibility to follow them.

If you rewrite it, it’s not plagiarism?

You must always cite another person’s work regardless of how you have altered it.  

You don’t have to cite your own work?

This is called self-plagiarism and it’s wrong and can be illegal.   

Plagiarism is all about how much you plagiarize?

The amount doesn’t matter.  

Plagiarism only matters in the courses in your major?

The consequences of plagiarism are the same regardless of the course.

It’s only a problem in schools?

Acts of plagiarism can destroy your career and professional reputation.

American students never plagiarize?

Plagiarism also occurs among domestic students, don’t hesitate to ask questions if you are confused.