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Student Guide to AI

Does Gannon have a policy on using AI?

Gannon University does not currently have a policy on the use of ChatGPT and other AI tools. However, your instructors may have policies on how AI tools may or may not be used in classroom assignments. If your instructor doesn't have a written policy or hasn't stated whether generative AI can be used for assignments, ask.

Tips for talking about generative AI with your instructors

  • The best time to talk with your instructor is before you begin your assignment to avoid needing to start over if generative AI isn't allowed.

  • Be specific in how you plan to use generative AI.

    • Would you like to use Chat GPT/, Copilot, Gemini or other AI tool to help brainstorm ideas or come up with a topic for your assignment?

    • Are you using it to summarize or explain complex concepts?

    • Or do you plan to use it for writing and editing?

    • Be prepared that your instructor may approve some use cases but not others.

  • Have a plan for giving credit. APA Style, MLA Style, and AMA all have guidelines for citing generative AI.

  • Your instructor may ask for an appendix that includes the prompts used with the tools or the full transcript of your interaction.

What is Academic Integrity

What is Academic Integrity?

The International Center for Academic Integrity identifies 5 fundamental values of Academic Integrity:


  • Considered the foundation of teaching, learning, research and service from which the remaining values build upon. 
  • "Begins with the individuals and extends to larger community... Students and faculty must be honest with themselves and each other."


  • "Necessary foundation of academic work."
  • "Enables us to collaborate, to share information, and to circulate new ideas freely without fear." 


Students are fair to one another and the larger community when they do their work honestly, acknowledge the work of others and uphold the university's academic integrity policies.


"Students show respect when they... take an active role in their education... listening to others' points of view, and performing to the best of their ability."


  • "Standing up against wrongdoing, resisting negative peer pressure, and serving as a positive example."
  • "Responsible individuals hold themselves accountable for their own actions and work to discourage and prevent misconduct by others."


Source: Fishman, T.A. (Ed.). (2014). The Fundamental Values of Academic Integrity, 2nd ed, International Center for Academic Integrity.

All students are subject to Gannon's Code of Academic Integrity. To learn more, consult the library's Academic Integrity guide.

Please refrain from presenting AI-generated material as your own original work.

While certain assignments might allow you to leverage AI to enhance your creative capabilities, it should not replace genuine creative thinking, especially in an educational setting. Whenever you incorporate content generated by AI, remember to include proper citations. This way, instructors can easily trace the sources of the AI-generated content.

AI detection tools are not accurate.

They give both false negatives and false positives. If you should find yourself falsely accused of using an AI tool, Dr. Lyndon Walker's video may provide you with some helpful advice: What to do if you are falsely accused of cheating with AI.