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Student Guide to AI


image combining partial library exterior surrounded by AI graphicLibrary resources provide access to peer-reviewed journals, books, and other scholarly materials that ensure the credibility of your research. By combining the efficiency of AI tools with the reliability of library resources, students can conduct thorough and accurate research. Always remember to cite both AI tools and traditional sources to maintain academic integrity.


Library Resource/AI integrations


Several of the library resource providers are beginning to test and implement generative AI tools into their resources.

  • JSTOR's Integrative Research tool  - Gannon began participation as a beta tester for JSTOR's new tool accessible by creating a unique personal JSTOR account. For full details visit our JSTOR Interactive Research tool page


Things to know before you start

  • Using AI tools should not replace the critical task of reading and thinking
  • Be aware any content you provide to any AI tool will become a part of the tool's dataset which it can then refer to and share with others.
  • Do not to share any personal about yourself or others.
  • You should not upload another person's work into an AI tool without their permission.

Image of student starting research


Brainstorm ideas, topics and research questions.

Use the AI tool as your personal assistant for a brainstorming conversation to learn about current issues for researchers in a particular field, to summarize various points of view on controversial topic, or just learn more about the topic of your research.

Brainstorming student


Identify keywords and possible search terms you can use within the library databases. You can ask the AI tool for a list of synonyms, similar concepts or subtopics.

Gemini generated list of keywords for stroke rehabilitation & depression

AI - Library Databases

Connecting AI & Library searching

Use the keywords and concepts from your brainstorming to search within the library's databases.

Benefits of Using Library Resources

  • Library electronic resources updated daily. Free AI datasets operate on archived data and often will not contain current events.

  • Library-provided resources contain full text not available to non-subscribers.

  • Resources indexed exist in either electronic or paper format. AI can create citations for items that do not exist.

  • No advertising.

Screenshot of library homepage