Main purpose of articles is to get readers to purchase the magazine
Short in length
Authors are staff writers with the magazine, rarely specialists on topics
Language easy-to-read, little technical jargon
No review process other than editorial review
No guarantee the information is accurate, unbiased, or appropriate and may be difficult to verify
Intended for general audience or specific, targeted non-professional groups
Journal Overview
Title clearly identifies subject matter and often includes the word "journal"
Cover layout typically the same from issue to issue
Few advertisements or images
Pages are typically not glossy with little color
No headlines
Article Overview:
Typically lenghty (over 5 pages)
Covers specific, narrow topics using technical terms and academic language
Not intended for general public
Title clearly identifies subject matter and an abstract provides overview of article content
Includes in-text citation and lists references at the end
Features little or no color, images support research purposes
Written by authorities in topic area or field of study (credentials often listed)
Main purpose is to report original, current research data to individuals in the scholarly and professional arenas (researchers, academics and students).