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Library Orientation

Review of Nash Library and its resources for new Gannon students

Search the library's collection physical print materials and DVD's

The library's online catalog allows you to search for books, select ebooks, DVD's and other items related to your topic. 

The link to the library catalog search page can be found on the library's home page or you can used the search box below. 

Call Numbers = Library Location

Nash Library has approximately 200,000 items on the library shelves. The collection is organized using LC (Library of Congress) call numbers, which arranges books by subject.

How can you find a book for your research? 

The library catalog can be searched by keyword, subject, title or author. The result list and item records provide the location and call number for each item.

Library Catalog result image with labels

 Once you find a book on your topic on the shelf, browse the table of contents and/or indices of the surrounding titles for additional resources. 

Find Books 

Enterprise Search

The library now has a new interface for our catalog of print materials. Visit the link below to search our collection of print materials, DVD collections and select eBook items.

Find eBooks

Search our collection of eBooks covering all subject areas by visiting the links below: