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Library Orientation

Review of Nash Library and its resources for new Gannon students

Where to start

To find an article on a specific topic students and faculty should rely on the library's collection of databases. A database is a collection searchable resources which help to provide access to scholarly as well as popular and trade publications. The Library's collection of databases provide users with full text access to many titles not available freely on the web. 

Nash Library currently subscribes to over 100 databases accessible from the library's Databases (A to Z Resource List)

Journal Citations - Database Search

Journal citation on database result lists typically include:

  • Article title (blue/black after the result number)
  • Authors
  • Journal Title
  • Volume and issue number (Vol. 31, Issue 2; 31.2; or 31(2)
  • Date (Mar/Apr 2010; can also be year only, season + year, or date)
  • page numbers (106-108)

Additional details about the article can be seen on the article details page by clicking on the title.