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Anatomy Tools - Visible Body: Visible Body - Mobile Device (On Campus)

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To download Visible Body on a mobile device on campus:

  1. Make sure that you have more than 1.5G available free space on your device. 
  2. Make sure to use the Gannon WiFi network (Erie or Ruskin) with your device and not your mobile data
  3. Go to
  4. Choose either iTunes or Google Play and download the app. 
    • The initial download will take several minutes.
    • Once downloaded you must launch the app once while on campus.
    • App will be active for 150 days, after which you can re-authenticate for continued access

**Note: This method is for downloading the Visible body app while on campus while connected to the GU Wireless WiFi. Instructions for downloading off campus can be found by clicking here.

If you have difficulty downloading the app, please contact library staff.

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