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Library Services: Home

Details about Library collections, departments, loan periods and user privileges.

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Archives - The library's collections of historical, university materials can be found in the lower level. Visit the Archives webpage, click here.

Circulating Books - Books available for checkout can be found on the second floor. A selection of newly arrived books can be found in the book display on the first floor. To search the library's catalog, click here

Computers - Individual computer workstations are located near both the sixth and seventh street entrances. An open lab is located in the lower level. Laptops are available at the Service Desk.

DVDs - Entertainment and Educational DVDs are located on the 1st floor. Entertainment DVDs are marked with green stickers and Educational DVDs are marked with pink stickers.

Group Study Areas - Spaces for students to work and study in can be found throughout the building. Small group study rooms are located on the second and third floor. In addition the library offers six reservable media collaboration rooms for groups of 4 - 8. Spaces can be reserved by visiting this link - Collaboration rooms


Older Bound Periodicals are located on the perimeter of second floor. 

Current Periodicals/Magazines are located on the first floor.

Printers - Papercut-erie/Print-N-Go printers are located in the lower level and on the first and second floors. 

Quiet Study Spaces - Spaces for individual students to work and study can be found on the third floor.

Reference Materials - Books like dictionaries and subject guides are located on the first floor.

Restrooms - Restrooms are located on all floors of the library. 

Service Desk is located on the first floor. Library users can check out and return books here, as well as ask for information about the building.


User  Books

Educational DVD's

(2 item limit)

Entertainment  DVD's

(4 item limit)

   Undergraduate Students  30 days  14 days 7 days In house use only
   Graduate Students  30 days  14 days 7 days In house use only
   Employees  30 days 14 days 7 days In house use only
   Faculty  90 days 14 days 7 days In house use only

Gannon users in good standing can have up to 25 total items at a time.

Reference materials, periodicals and archival materials may only be used within the library.

Non-Gannon Card holders (2 item limit) 14 days 14 days not available not available


Library users who are not Gannon community members can apply for a card if they fall into one of four categories. All users in these categories can check out two books at a time that may be renewed twice each. The categories follow:

Community Cards - Non-Gannon alumni who live in Erie County can purchase a community card for $10. These cards last for a year and may be renewed for another $10 every year.


Alumni Cards - Alumni of Gannon University or Villa Maria College can pay $5 for an alumni card. These last for one year, and may be renewed for another $5 fee every year. 


Non-Gannon High School Student Cards - High school students in Erie County may apply for a non-Gannon student card. The following schools are not charged any fee for the card:

  • Cathedral Preparatory School
  • Villa Maria Academy
  • Mercyhurst Preparatory School

All other high school students must pay $5 for a card. 


Non-Gannon College Student Cards Students attending one of the four local colleges may apply for a card free of charge. The schools are:

  • Mercyhurst University
  • Penn State University - Behrend Campus
  • Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
  • Allegheny College

To apply for one of those four library card types, please inquire at the Service Desk, which is located just inside the library's sixth street entrance.