Please visit to view our tutor schedule and make an appointment!
Apply on with a required supplemental application at:
Student Sysadmin and Project Manager ($12/hour x1 position @ 15 hours/week)
Does BLUE look good on you? The STEM Center seeks a Student Sysadmin and Project Manager to Believe, Lead, Unleash, and Enjoy as they orchestrate computing and technology projects within the STEM Center, including in the following ways:
Believe in the transformative power of technology and our capacity to learn and embrace it;
Lead by bringing out the best in coworkers, identifying and moving barriers and roadblocks, adapting to the unexpected, and delivering on-time results;
Unleash love for and skills in technology and multiplying such traits in others;
Enjoy transcending the efforts of any individual!
Example responsibilities:
Identify requirements and needs necessary for achieving technology and computing end goals
Establish timelines and progress benchmarks for projects
Coordinate efforts of others on projects
Devote own time and efforts on certain projects
Ensure interpersonal and technological coordination between projects
Learn and understand new technologies and paradigms
Recruit and support current qualified STEM Center student employees to assist projects
Along with STEM Center Director, serve as primary steward of STEM Center technology, its use, and growth
Advise STEM Center Director on gaps and possible ways to address them
Advise STEM Center Director on overarching technology and computing strategy
Understands and promotes software and data security principles
Example technical skills, software, languages, and domains:
Python (especially data and visualization packages)
Linux system administration
PostGRE databases
Software development practices
Raspberry Pi
Generative AI training and deployment
Virtual Reality
3D Printing
Windows PCs, displays, and peripherals
Desired qualifications:
Experience and excellence with some aforementioned technical skills, especially as necessary to coordinate and securely deploy projects for users (Linux system administration, Django, NGINX, OpenVPN, etc.)
Interest in using role to learn more about aforementioned technical skills
Excellent proactive communication
Confident and self-directed
Top-notch sense of responsibility in order to follow through with meetings and work that they set with others.
Eligibility and interest in serving in this role through at least Spring 2026
Current priorities include:
Work with STEM Center Director on establishing and maturing production ready backends and configurations for current services and in-production projects
Initiate and achieve small wins on individual and team projects to:
serve dynamic content to a myriad of displays,
serve models to our 3D printer,
establish a basic STEM Center chatbot,
identify tutoring, educational, administrative, and recreational use cases for STEM Center-owned devices (such as implied above),
develop upkeep protocol for traditional computers and devices
Create a positive and productive culture and environment for student technology projects
Primary NACE Career Readiness Learning Objectives:
Technology: This position provides for ample opportunity to advance and extend current domain knowledge toward new purposes.
Leadership: The key component of this position is the project managemant and supervision of others, in order to meet medium- and long-term benchmarks and goals.
Tech Evangelist ($11/hour x2 positions @ 10 hours/week)
Does BLUE look good on you? The STEM Center seeks Tech Evangelists to Believe, Lead, Unleash, and Enjoy as they deploy modern technology to empower students, tutors, and other stakeholders to accomplish cool new things on a daily basis, including in the following ways:
Believe in the transformative power of technology and our capacity to learn and embrace it;
Lead the progression from unboxing, setup, and configuration to ready-to-use devices and services, and eventually change how we experience the STEM Center;
Unleash love for, skills in, and creativity about technology, as well as the drive to learn and accomplish more;
Enjoy when technology, done right, makes life seem magical!
Example responsibilities:
Self-directed learning and understanding new technologies and paradigms
Work individually and as a team member to advance projects
Work with others to ensure projects and their products address real-world needs and use-cases
Troubleshooting and adapting projects toward new use cases
Train others on usage of products and technology
Example technical skills, software, languages, and domains (which, for emphasis, may be learned as is appropriate as opposed to required competencies):
Raspberry Pi
Generative AI training and deployment
Virtual Reality
3D Printing
Windows PCs, displays, and peripherals
Desired qualifications:
Interest in using role to learn more about aforementioned technical skills; previous experience is not required, though it may be preferable
A love to tinker and find ways to make things work
Responsibility as a team player; will work as hard as possible to do what sets out to accomplish
Eligibility and interest in serving in this role through at least Spring 2026
Current projects include:
serve dynamic content to a myriad of displays,
serve models to our 3D printer,
establish a basic STEM Center chatbot,
identify tutoring, educational, administrative, and recreational use cases for STEM Center-owned devices (such as implied above),
develop upkeep protocol for traditional computers and devices
Primary NACE Career Readiness Learning Objectives:
Technology: This position provides for ample opportunity to advance and extend current interest and domain knowledge toward new purposes.
Teamwork: This position will require detailed communication and collaboration with a project manager and other student workers focused on the same or related projects. Further, those in this role will collaborate with and train tutors and other non-technical student workers on final products in order to maximize their benefit.
Data Science Systems Developer ($12/hour x2 positions @ 10 hours/week)
Does BLUE look good on you? The STEM Center seeks Data Science Systems Developers to Believe, Lead, Unleash, and Enjoy as they build infrastructure and functionality essential for modern data operations of the STEM Center and its various stakeholders, including in the following ways:
Believe in the power of your code and your knowledge within information technology;
Lead by designing and implementing systems that enable an organization to best understand what is really going on, in real-time;
Unleash your dedication to raise your own bar and showcase amazing work;
Enjoy creating a mechanism to inform others’ real-world leadership decisions, and getting better at something you already love!
Example responsibilities:
Self-directed learning and understanding new technologies and paradigms
Work individually and as a team member to advance projects
Demonstrates and communicates progress toward goals
Writes robust, reusable, and documented code which can be understood and used by others
Understands and promotes software and data security principles
Example technical skills, software, languages, and domains:
Python (especially data and visualization packages)
Linux system administration
PostGRE databases
Prefect (data systems orchestration and automation)
DataHub (metadata management and data governance)
Software development practices
Desired qualifications:
Experience and excellence with some aforementioned technical skills
Interest in using role to learn more about aforementioned technical skills
Will work as hard as possible to do what sets out to accomplish
Eligibility and interest in serving in this role through at least Spring 2026
Current projects include:
Automating interactions with third-party websites to better manage services and data pipelines
Production of a small-scale data science platform to collect disparate data, visualize results, and meet stakeholder requirements for customized reporting and analysis
Completing and integrating previous work in these domains
Primary NACE Career Readiness Learning Objectives:
Technology: This position provides for ample opportunity to advance and extend current domain knowledge toward new purposes.
Critical Thinking: Those in this position will experience technical junctions where there are few right and wrong answers; they must critically address implementation decisions from all angles to best-inform design.
STEMbassador ($11/hour x2 positions @ 7.5 hours/week)
Does BLUE look good on you? The STEM Center seeks STEMbassadors to Believe, Lead, Unleash, and Enjoy as they design and operate outreach events aimed at increasing STEM Center awareness and student participation, including in the following ways:
Believe that the STEM Center is an awesome and powerful force to enable Gannon University students do amazing things;
Lead the charge to spread the word about what we do and how we can help students meet their academic goals;
Unleash your confidence and creative social energy not only as the face of the STEM Center, but in empowering others to step up to find their niche in building reputations among those they can help;
Enjoy that feeling of satisfaction when you know that students are learning at the STEM Center and gaining their own confidence because of your initial hard work!
Example responsibilities:
Self-lead small- and medium-sized events without direct supervision or intervention
Recruit and prepare tutors and other student workers to help deliver events
Build capacity in others to gain confidence presenting in small- and large-group settings, structured and unstructured
Develop and maintain systems and communication channels to aid in staffing events
Collaborate with other STEMbassadors, student managers, and STEM Center Director as needed in planning, execution, and evaluation
Learning and adapting to various protocols about and expectations for operating events with campus partners
Desired qualifications:
Top-notch interpersonal and organization skills
Energetic, proactive, and extroverted communicator
Eligibility and interest in serving in this role through at least Spring 2026
Current projects include:
Building campus relationships to set up and deliver STEM Center “tables” as both standalone outreach events and part of larger campus events
Arranging brief class visits and speaking and presenting on behalf of the STEM Center
Developing and maintaining relationships with campus groups and teams that contribute to adapting to student need and engender student participation of STEM Center tutoring and resources
Primary NACE Career Readiness Learning Objectives:
Communication: This position will interact with countless students and faculty/staff stakeholders; it is paramount to customize communications, as well as to be an exceptional listener to maximize the opportunity to enact change or adaptation at the STEM Center based on outreach experiences.
Teamwork: This position will need to leverage others and increase their confidence in unstructured and/or group environments. Those in this position are also encouraged to embrace their role as change agents (for things both tiny and large) at the STEM Center, and will interact with individual tutors, student managers, and other personnel to suggest new action.
If you are interested in working as a STEM Center tutor, please fill out our application here:
At this time, we are primarily hiring for work beginning Fall 2024 and beyond. Applications received by Sunday, March 10 are guaranteed to receive full consideration for open positions.
STEM Center tutors are important paid student leadership positions on campus that offer the opportunity to assist or support peers to accomplish their academic goals. At the same time, working in the STEM Center creates opportunities to strengthen and maintain one's own communication, teamwork, and academic skills, as well as share in the student-facing and backend organizational dynamics of Gannon University’s largest student employer. Tutors, who are usually undergraduate STEM or business majors, generally either work as a one-on-one tutor in our Nash Library location supporting Gannon STEM/business courses they performed well in, or as a STEM-PASS tutor, leading multiple extra-help sessions each week for students in a targeted course while going the extra mile to prepare relevant and helpful session material.
In accordance with new student employment practices at Gannon, new tutors will be paid at least $10/hour beginning in Fall 2024. Working schedules are set to generally be consistent each week, and are made in full consideration of tutors' preferred hours and overall availability. STEM-PASS tutors work 10-12 hours/week, and new 1-on-1 STEM Center tutors can generally work anywhere from 5 to 7.5 hours/week (tutor's choice), although more may be possible.
STEM Center Interviews (required part of the application process, to be completed after submitting the above application form):
First, note that we may have no or limited interviewers available until late January or early February. If you apply before then, be sure to check back to interview once we are set up to facilitate this aspect of the hiring process!
To schedule this interview, login to the STEM Center schedule at (you will be prompted to create an account if this is your first login). Then, view the list of available interviewers for the appointment by choosing "INTERVIEW" (which is listed alphabetically between course codes), from the "Course or Focus" dropdown menu at the top of the page. In order to be able to make this interview appointment with two interviewers, you have to schedule two simultaneous 30-minute appointments with two available interviewers at an open time convenient for you, so long as both interviewers are not a close acquaintance of yours (or of closer relationship). Please be aware that most interviewers will be listed as available at times that no other interviewer is available, due to their normal tutoring schedules; do not sign up at a time when only one interviewer is available.
Please contact Nash Library Administrative Assistant Jenny Donor ( if you need assistance scheduling an interview, including if interviewer availability does not appear to align with your own.
At these interviews, we may ask to discuss further any of your responses in this application and/or an attached resume. Additionally, you may be asked questions pertaining to how you might plan handle routine or difficult scenarios that could arise when working at the STEM Center. You will also have an opportunity to ask any questions you have, as well. You do not need to bring any materials to this interview, and there is no need to "dress up"; your normal attire for the day are fine. After the interview, the student employees running the interview will submit a brief form to the Director summarizing the interview experience.
There is no specific thing that we are looking to observe in order to "nail the interview". Behaviors, traits, characteristics, and skills important to tutoring and work in the STEM Center are the only things we are looking for, and for each, there are many ways in which they can be shown! You will not be asked questions that must be answered with sensitive information about your academic performance or private issues.
Student employees running interviews *will* be provided with your resume (if attached) and responses you give on this application (other than your phone number, addresses, and personal email address) in order to facilitate a meaningful experience, but *will not* have access to your course grades or other student records.